

Happy Friday Babes,

Can you guys believe in 3 days we will be in 2018?! I am honestly so ready for it to be here. I'm sure I can speak for most of us that many events that happened in 2017 were not the best this world has seen, so honestly I am ready to say peace out 2017. 

With the end of year many are contemplating resolutions and honestly I  don't really have one. I saw a funny video Tammy Roman said in one of her bonnet chronicle video's, she said,  " if you're are going to say anything don't say new me but say making modifications." She clearly meant it as a joke, but I actually liked it and that's how I feel. I'm not going to say new me because I like me... I do however feel like as each year goes by I do make modifications of myself. Let's face it guys as we get older we do change and that's not a bad thing at all, growth is always good. Sometimes you outgrow people, habits , jobs, whatever it may be its ok to grow.

For 2018 I will be making modifications but not for others. I will focus on my family and whats important. I will focus on good energy and drown the negative. Mostly I will just enjoy what life I have been given and I hope you guys do the same.

I hope you all have a great and safe New Year's Eve, till 2018 loves.
