All Things Neon


Let's talk NEON! I am all for this trend for many reasons. I am an 80s baby, so that means my adolescence was filled with bright neon and over-sized everything. Seeing this trend brings me back to my awkward kid years, so I love that I get to rock it the right way this time around.


Neon is one of those trends that can easily make you look like a bright highlighter, but when done right it can look great. I know that this color is hard to pull off, but I promise you it's not as intimidating as you'd think.


With any trend, I have a rule, and that's the five finger rule. My rule is to only to purchase five items of the trend. You can start by introducing the color with accessories or by wearing one neon piece per outfit. Pick pieces that you can wear multiple ways so you can experiment with the trend. With my rule, I like to buy two clothing items, shoes, jewelry and handbag, that way I can wear the trend in many ways but also not overkill it. I also have a rule never to spend over $50 on a trend, because as fast as a trend can be in, it surely can be out the next day.


One of my five items of this trend is this bodysuit. I love how this outfit turned out because of its casual but chic vibe. I hope you guys like it as much as I do and make sure to stay tuned because next week I am sharing how you can dress it up.

Peace & Love,

