My Vision Board

Hi Loves,

I honestly cant believe we are in the third week of January. I feel I am behind on my grind, but to be honest guys, it is never too late to focus on yourself and your goals for the year. Some people reevaluate their life and goals mid-year or even at the end of the year. I think for myself I had this fire going towards the end of year and its still lit, a little dim but still lit. I want to make a change on how I do things with this blog, so with that said I decided to do my vision board. I have had my board blank for sometime, thinking on what I should put on it and what my focus should be. For some it comes very easy, but for me my mind goes all over the place so I decided of short term goals, that I think are attainable.

I strongly believe that when you envision things in your life they can come true. This year I want to focus on friendships, family and faith!  I really feel like 2016 I lacked in these categories so those are my main goals for this year. If you guys feel like your life is all over the place create vision board and believe and manifest these goals in your life. I purchased my board at Homegoods and went on the internet and just typed in goals. for example I wanted travel so I typed the word travel and clicked on images and printed the one I liked. You can also just write words out. The great thing about a vision board is that there is no wrong or right way to do it because its your own.

I would love to see if you guys create vision boards, tag me if you do. Here is to goals and making 2017 great.

Peace & Love
